Have you got yourself a canine Houdini? Or do you live in a neighborhood with a lot of road traffic? Maybe you’ve got a curious puppy who can’t be trusted near the neighbors’ trash cans?
Wireless dog fences are a modern solution for puppies who love to roam. If you’re not warming to the idea of a big ugly fence in your yard, you might be wondering whether a wireless fence is the answer for you. You can learn more about them to see how well they may fit in with your home and dog/s so that you can keep them as safe as possible.
As there is such a huge variety of fence types these days, we summarize the different features and give you some recommendations to help you make the best possible choice.
Quick Review: Top-6 Electric Dog Fences (Wireless & Underground)
What is a Wireless Dog Fence?
As dog owners, there are many reasons an electric dog fence might be useful. Of course, there are pros and cons to getting one fitted, but first, let’s look at what they do.
Wireless invisible fences are installed in your yard as an alternative to real wire or visible fences. Some work through transmitters that you place in certain locations, they are paired with a collar that your puppy wears. If, or when, your little one gets too far from the area set out by the fence, they will feel a small current through this collar as a warning.
You can also get an electrical fence with settings for audible warnings instead of electrical shocks, but either way, some form of ‘response’ or ‘correction’ will give your dog an idea that he’s beyond a certain point.
What Do They Do?
Wireless dog fences are designed to keep your puppy or dog from straying too far from the house. If he loves running around and having a good time in the yard, wireless or electric dog fences (sometimes called invisible dog fences) can keep your fluffy friend from wandering away into the street. Or into the neighbor’s garden!
The ‘technology’ for the fence itself, which we’ll look into shortly, usually goes underground, although these days, there are several different types to choose from on the market. This is the main big difference between wireless dog fences and regular fences, and also why they’re often called invisible dog fences.
To keep your little dog from roaming, electric dog fences come paired with a collar that goes – of course – around his neck.
If your four-legged Houdini gets too far from the boundary you’ve set more than a few times, he’ll learn to treat the mild electrical ‘buzz’ as a kind of warning. In time, this will train your pup not to leave the zone that marks your garden, yard, or driveway, for example.
Why Might I Want an Electric Dog Fence?
There are several reasons why owners choose to install electric dog fences. The first, and most obvious, is that they look better than regular fences. Well, strictly speaking, they often look like nothing at all. Other reasons include:
1. Being Respectful of Neighbors
You love your puppy very much, don’t you? We’re sure you do, but your neighbors may not be aspatient when it comes to him rolling or digging on their lawn. If you’ve got a very energetic and playful pup, for one, an elderly neighbor may not appreciate having to clean up after it in their front yard.
2. Protecting Your Pup From Traffic
If you live in a street where cars, vans, or even just bikes, frequently come past, a fence keeps your dog safely out of harm’s way. Puppies that stay in a certain ‘safe’ area have little chance of getting into an accident or scared by the noise of a close oncoming vehicle.
3. Keeping Your Pup Away from Other Dogs
While you may have a fully vaccinated, healthy, friendly puppy, there is still always a risk that other dogs might not be as well looked after. Keeping your puppy inside a certain area means he’s less likely to get into fights with other dogs, or even catching something infectious from a wild animal.
How Electric Dog Fences Work
Most electric dog fences are variations on one key theme. Some will be installed underground, some are more like plug-and-play fences that can be moved around. Some are technically underground electric dog fences, but can be used above ground – you get the idea!
At this point, if you already know all about how the difference fence types work, you can skip right ahead to our reviews.
Wired underground dog fences
These require you to dig down and lay a wire that will form the boundary for your dog. They have a transmitter (often, it looks a bit like a box) that links with the wire you have just laid, and this sends invisible signals to your puppy’s receiver collar.
The things to consider when you’re getting a wired underground dog fence include:
- How long the wire is;
- Whether you can easily adjust the perimeter/radius/coverage area;
- Whether you can install it yourself, or if you’ll need to factor in the cost of hiring someone for this; and
- How easily you can install this fence given your property (e.g. Are you in a hilly area? Do you want to cover a circular or rectangular space?)
Wireless dog fences
As the name suggests, these don’t usually require you to dig. They use GPS technology, WiFi, or radio waves to send and receive signals from your dog’s collar receiver.
Compared to GPS and radio wireless dog fences, WiFi systems can expand over a considerable coverage area, but both often boast portable transmission systems that can be moved around. Where underground electric fence transmitters often are stuck to a wall or attached somewhere permanent, wireless fences are frequently easy to take away on vacation.
If you’re wondering whether a wireless dog fence will suit your requirements, you’ll need to think about:
- Whether your house has potential ‘blind spots’ where the WiFi or transmitter ‘communications’ won’t work;
- Whether a circular area (and they almost always have a circular area) will suit your dog and the area you want to fence; and
- Whether you have a suitable ‘center’ place for your transmitter.
Considerations For All Dog Fences
There are a few more things to keep in mind when buying a wireless or underground dog fence.
Collar Features
Because all the dog fences we’ve mentioned use collars, you’ll need to think about whether it’s the right size for your puppy, and factor in how fast he’s growing. A fence that comes with an adjustable collar is often a good choice, although you’ll also need to see if it’s suitable for long-haired dogs such as Shih Tzu or Collies.
Receiver collars sometimes have points of contact that will need to sit against your dog’s skin. Often, manufacturers add in features to ensure that longer-haired breeds can still use their collars and systems effectively, so keep an eye out for this.
Is it waterproof? Is another question you should ask yourself, especially if you have a puppy or dog who loves to splash about. Even if you don’t have a pool or similar, a waterproof collar can be a good idea to ensure a longer life against the rain.
How Many Dogs?
Have you got more than one puppy or dog? Or are you open to growing your canine family? If so, you’ll want to look out for a fence that supports multiple collars. Some great options can be found in our reviews, which allow an unlimited amount of dog collars to be used within the same fence.
Price, Ease of Installation, and Flexibility
Of course, you may be happy to invest in the very best underground dog fence, and it can be a great idea if you value peace of mind and reliability. However, if you are not sure whether you might move in the near future, you may find that you either have to carefully dig it up or find an alternative solution for the interim. Given that some fences take hours to install (despite being well worth it), you want to think about this carefully before you commit.
It should be noted that some people prefer to hire professionals to come and dig or lay the fence, and this may very well be worth it if you have a large property or varied terrain. Nonetheless, you might want to consider that too, when you are picking out a fence,
Battery Life
Strictly speaking, battery life is a ‘collar concern’, but it can make or break your purchase decision. You will want to ensure that you’re making a convenient long-term decision when you look at things like:
- Whether your dog’s receiver collar is rechargeable;
- If it can be easily replaced, and if replacement parts are easy to find; and
- Others’ reviews – it’s good to look at what other pet owners have to say about a battery. You may find a collar with an absolutely brilliant, reliable, and long-lasting battery, but then realize that replacing it will be a little bit above your personal budget.
Difference Between Wireless and In-Ground Dog Fences
In terms of the easiest installation, wireless dog fences definitely require much less effort to install in your yard. By using radio transmitters to allow for certain radius of movement, you don;t have to install any wires or structures to block off your pup. While this option does not require as much hands on work, it does limit you a bit when it comes to blocking off certain areas. Since the radio transmitters tend to cover a broad range, it can be difficult to block off certain areas such as gardens, certain parts of your yard, and other specific areas. However, if you move frequently are are unsure if you will choose to stay in one area, a wireless option may be easiest.
In-ground dog fences can be a bit more complex to install, but allow for more customization. Though you will have to install wires or structures below ground, this will allow you to fine-tune your off limit areas and truly customize the limits you create for your pup. If you have a certain area that you want to keep your canine away from, and in-ground fence is the best option for you.
How To Install A Wireless Dog Fence
While each wireless dog fence will vary a bit in terms of installation, they all follow this general guideline. All wireless dog fences will come with a transmitter that sends out signals based on your chosen dimensions. Make sure to calculate your chosen dimensions ahead of time, that way you can put your transmitter in the center of your “safe zone”. It’s best to keep your transmitter raised off the ground or mounted to a wall when possible, as you’ll need to protect it from getting wet or damaged by the elements.
Your next step will involve syncing your dog’s collar to the transmitter itself. Each wireless dog collar will have its own process, so make sure to follow their instructions step by step.
Next, you will be instructed on choosing your dimensions. Since you’ve already measured your safe zone dimension ahead of time, this should be easy to plug in to your transmitter. Once you’ve set up your safe zone for your pup, make sure to grab their collar and take it for a test run! Do this by walking the collar to your assigned limit and make sure the collar is alerted once you reach your set end zone.
Now that you’ve properly set up your dog’s wireless collar, it’s time to place it on your pup. Make sure to monitor them closely for the first few times they encounter their yard limit to ensure that it actually works, and that your pup remains safe during this process. Though these collars are not designed to cause your dog any pain, it can still be alarming for some dogs. Because of this, it’s best to be close by while they;re getting used to the collar.
Correction Options
Last but not least, different fence systems can offer more or less variety in terms of ‘static options’. This means that some set-ups allow you to adjust the different stimulation levels that your dog will feel when he goes close to or crosses the fence.
The ability to adjust the static on your dog’s collar (usually through the transmitter box) can be helpful if you want to have greater control over training. It’s just as important if you’re trying to ensure that your dog isn’t receiving an uncomfortable level of sensation for their body mass. For example, some systems will have 5 controls, some will offer up to 8, and some will also include an ‘audio-only’ setting.
So, let’s have a look at some of the best fences we could find, and we’ve also noted the best (and runner-ups) for several different categories:
- Portable Wireless Fence;
- Best (and runner up) Underground Fences;
- Best Budget Fence for each category; and
- Best ‘Escape Artist’ Fence, for those with Houdini-like pooches.
8 Wireless Dog Fence Reviews
Here, we have included wireless dog fences that work via GPS and some with radio waves. Some are suitable for small little areas inside the house, while others (mostly the GPS ones) are better for outdoor purposes.
Regardless of the specific tech they use to operate, these are all portable and offer a circular play area for your furry pal. With zero digging involved, yay!
- PetSafe Wireless Fence Pet Containment Systems
Collar type – An adjustable, wireless, waterproof collar with receiver
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds
- As long as you have enough collars, you can add as many puppies or dogs as you please to this system.
- This system only allows you to cover a circular-shaped area, so may not be useful for some properties.
- OCEVEN Wireless Dog Fence System with GPS
Collar type – IP67 waterproof and also rechargeable
Minimum dog weight – 15 pounds
- The radius can be adapted to smaller areas (20 meters) and 800 meters for larger spaces.
- Easy to use out of doors, even in the park, and the kit comes complete with cute little dog toys!
- Like most GPS fences, this isn’t immune to the effects of bad weather or tall buildings.
- PetSafe Stay + Play Wireless Fence – BEST PORTABLE WF
Collar type – Rechargeable receiver doggy collar, waterproof.
Minimum dog weight – 5 pounds
- This comes with different ‘correction’ levels, as well as the ability to switch between static and audio-only signals when your dog strays. Ideally, the idea is for your dog to become accustomed to the markers or flags that you use, so you can ditch the static shocks entirely.
- It’s compact and super-simple both to take away on trips and to recharge.
- It’s slightly more expensive than some other solutions, but if you travel a bunch with your pet, that may be well worth your while.
- FunAce Wireless Petfence Containment System
- Waterproof collar
- Over-shock protection
- Covers up to 600 feet in diameter
- Collar is easily rechargeable
- Since it;s wireless, it can be challenging to fine-tune or customize specific areas.
- Petsafe PIF-300 Wireless 2-Dog Fence Containment System – RUNNER UP PORTABLE WF
Collar type – Waterproof, with a 6V proprietary battery, non-rechargeable.
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds
- PetSafe is a reliable brand that’s well-established, meaning the receiver collar batteries are easy to replace, and customer service is good.
- Super to take away with you on vacation, where you can simply plug the unit inside the building and follow the clear how-to instructions to set it up.
- The battery life for the receiver collar itself is a little bit short, with most users reporting two months between replacements. If you are on a tight budget, buying replacement (proprietary) batteries can add up.
- CarePetMost Wireless Electric Dog Fence
Collar type – Rechargeable, with its own charger and around 9 hours of battery life between charges.
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds
- You can use this for large-breed dogs and giant dogs because the collar is adjustable.
- The radius is also adjustable, ranging between ten meters and half a kilometer. So, you can take it on holiday with you, or use it to keep your dog away from the pool.
- Only two dogs can be contained in the fence, and you’ll only get one collar in the package. Of course, you can always order another!
- Depps Wireless Dog Fence System
Collar type – IP65 waterproof (completely waterproof and safe from a gentle garden hose!), Lithium battery powered
Minimum dog weight – 10 pounds
- Super easy to install, according to the instructions and reviews, and offers a wide radius for your dog’s play zone.
- It has a graduated ‘correction system’ from audio to weak stimulation, to stronger. This means your dog won’t receive unnecessarily harsh static reinforcement when he’s simply approaching the barrier.
- This hasn’t been reviewed a lot, so there is a not of feedback for you to make your purchase decision.
- PetSafe Pawz Away Pet Barrier – BEST BUDGET WF
Collar type – Lightweight, 6-28 inch adjustable collar receiver, waterproof
Minimum dog weight – 5 pounds
- Economical both as a one-off purchase, and to replace the batteries in the transmitter (it uses generic AA cells).
- Super-flexible in terms of keeping pooch away from specific places.
- This specific model is for indoor use, although there are some other options available for outdoor and ‘threshold’ applications.
12 Underground Wired Dog Fence Reviews
- Extreme Dog Fence Max – RUNNER UP UNDERGROUND
Collar type – Receiver doggy collar, waterproof and even submersible up to 10 feet
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds
- The fence itself doesn’t technically need to be buried under the ground, as the wire is made to be weather-resistant and the whole setup comes with a surge protector.
- You can install the fence yourself without too much trouble at all. Which is an especially good point for an underground fence, as they can sometimes be a bit tricky.
- It’s a pricey option, but if you’re in it for the long haul, it is built to last.
- Dogtek Electric Dog Fence Kit – EF-4000
Collar type – Waterproof, six months of battery life, and adjustable
Minimum dog weight – Fine for all dogs except toy breeds
- Much, much lower battery replacement costs compared to other brands
- It’s possible for owners to adapt and adjust the fence distance without changing the distance at which your dogs’ collars go off (‘warning’ distance).
- Use multiple-in fact, any amount of-collar receivers for just the one fence.
- Customers have raised some concerns about the collars wearing out or collars that cease working after a short period of time.
- SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence System
Collar type – Waterproof receiver collar
Minimum dog weight – 10 pounds
- Super simple-to-follow operating instructions, and quick training time, with some users reporting a couple of days before their dog avoided the fence
- Any number of dogs with the relevant collar be contained within one fence, which is convenient if you’re going to be digging up the ground!
- The receiver itself has quite a large and clunky battery, which may not be as comfortable for your pooch as some other brands.
- COVONO Invisible Fence for Dogs
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- Quick to install in a few hours, with clear instructions to help you along the way.
- ‘IP66′ level of waterproofing means the collar can even be worn while your dog has a swim!
- Comes with a smaller boundary than some other fences, covering only 0.75 acres. As with most other electric fences, of course, you can easily purchase more wire and extend this area.
- Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System by PetControlHQ
Collar type – Waterproof and rechargeable
Minimum dog weight – 11 pounds, with an eight-inch minimum neckline
- It comes with two collars that are fully adjustable – one for the underground fence, and one for the remote
- Has a ‘beep’ and shake setting so that your dog can get an audible, non-static warning before stimulating your dog physically
- The ‘two-collar’ package may be a little confusing because this does not mean two dogs can be contained within the one fence. Instead, it means one dog can stay within the fence, and another collar can be used to train using the remote.
- PetSafe Stubborn Dog Waterproof – BEST FENCE FOR ESCAPE ARTISTS
Collar type – Alkaline battery-powered, rechargeable, adjustable, and waterproof
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds minimum, but recommended for dogs that are 30+ pounds
- With compatible collars, you can easily keep as many dogs as you’ve got inside this one fence. With some exceptions, this includes most of the PetSafe range, even from other models.
- Good alternative to tethering for most escape artists or difficult-to-train dogs-instead of tying them up, this offers high static power, training them quickly rather than repeatedly, to down the number of static corrections they get.
- While it isn’t technically a product flaw per se, some real Houdinis and giant breeds still can’t be stopped with this fence, choosing to sprint through instead.
- Barklo Invisible Electric Fence for Dogs – BEST BUDGET UNDERGROUND
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- Easy fence to install, and works well up to a depth of 5 inches underground
- Good and responsive customer service from the manufacturers, which is very helpful if you’re going to install the invisible dog fence yourself.
- Some customers have experienced collars that stop working after a short period of time.
- PetSafe Elite Little Dog In-Ground Fence
Collar type – Replaceable batteries only, waterproof, with a reflector strap for added safety
Minimum dog weight – 5 pounds
- Uses durable, long-lasting 14 to 20-gauge wire, weather-resistant insulation
- While the battery needs to be replaced every one to three months (your mileage may vary), the collar itself does not fall apart easily like with some other dog fences.
- It is not as simple as some other brands to install.
- Earlyhights Invisible Electric Underground Fence
Collar type – Rechargeable batteries with a short recharging time (up to four hundred charges), waterproof, and adjustable in size
Minimum dog weight – 8 pounds
- Comes with clear instructions for installation, and helpful service if you need advice
- Long battery standby life for your dog’s receiver
- The wire that comes from the manufacturer may not be as high in quality as some other products.
- PetSafe Stubborn Dog Inground Fence Without Wire
- Allow you to connect any wire of your choice
- Comes with a waterproof collar
- Budget friendly
- Can cover up to 10 acres
- Ou will need to purchase wire separately, which can be a convenience or inconvenience due to depending on how you look at it. This means it’s customizable, but this is also an additional cost you’ll have to factor in.
- Sit Boo-Boo Advanced Electric Fence
Collar type – Offers an IP67 waterproof level of protection, weather-proofing against below zero climates, and seven separate correction settings
Minimum dog weight – 10 pounds
- It’s an ‘all kinds of weathers’ fence! So, as well as having submersible collars, it will hold its own against snow and rain.
- Rechargeable batteries for the doggy collars mean you don’t have to replace them with expensive parts.
- Some people are saying that the collar sets off even well before the dog reaches the fence, although this may be due to set-up.
- Electric Dog Fence Basics Underground
Collar type – Rechargeable, waterproof, for dogs with necks between 10 and 26 inches wide.
Minimum dog weight – 15 pounds
- This is an affordable price for an underground fence, from a well-respected brand, plus, it comes with five years of warranty.
- Clear and easy-to-follow setup instructions.
- None that we can see!
Will an electric fence and collar hurt my pet?
The static ‘correction’ that a receiver collar gives your dog is not designed to cause him pain or harm. It’s definitely not designed with the intention of injuring your little one. Rather, these ‘impulses’ or stimuli are meant to be a bit uncomfortable and act more as a warning. You may like the sound of some of the fences we have reviewed, which use ‘graduated’ warnings. These use audible tones, slightly starting noises or vibrations that your dog will hear or feel when he gets close to the fence. While he may feel a shock one or two times throughout his training, many dogs will quickly learn not to try again.
You may also want to be aware that customizable correction settings allow you to tailor the static impulse to accommodate for different doggy sizes. What is effective for a large dog may be too much for a little pooch, so read your instruction manual carefully, and always start on the lowest setting. It may also help to try the collar on your own arm, to get a sense of the static sensation.
When can my puppy be trained with a wireless dog fence?
Never train a young puppy with your electric dog fence before he is at least two months old. Around this time, you will probably be starting to train him in other ‘elementary’ things, like how to sit, come, or even fetch. At this age, they also have the grasps of what we call ‘operant conditioning’, which is the idea of changing his behavior based on reinforcement from the environment.
Being able to use commands like ‘Stay’ or even ‘Stop’ are also very helpful as part of the whole training process.
Someone told me their dog just ran through his fence. How can I avoid this?
This has been known to happen, and electric dog fences are not a magic bullet. They require that you keep them in good shape and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. This means checking that you haven’t damaged or broken any of the wires for your in-ground/underground fence by accident or because it is very old. Choose a strong gauge wire, and ensure you lay it out properly.
Your pup’s collar may also have run out of battery, meaning you either need to replace it or recharge it depending on what fence you have. Last, but not least, check that everything which should be plugged in is plugged in. Sounds silly, but it wouldn’t be the first time a vacuum cleaner wire or similar has loosened the connection to the wall!
Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API